LGBT Characters Wikia

Tony is a gay character from EarthBound.


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Tony is a student at the Winters boarding school, and is Jeffs roommate.


Tony wears the same suit, socks and shoes as Jeff does. Unlike Jeff, however, he wears a bowler hat and wears shorts instead of pants. He has brownish-orange hair.


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It was said in an interview with Itoi that one of the characters in the game is gay.[1]

Marcus Lindblom also has stated that Tony is a gay charcter. [2]

In the official Earthbound novel, Tony expresses his feelings to Jeff in front of the entire Winters boarding school right before Jeff leaves.

Many times during the game after Jeff leaves, Tony will call on him to see how hes doing.


This section is about fan reaction to the characters sexuality/gender identity. NOT THE IN UNIVERSE REACTION. In universe reactions would belong under sexuality/gender.

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Jeff Andonuts[]

Jeff is Tony's roommate and best friend. Jeff refers to him as having a 'heart of gold." It is unknown if Jeff returns Tony's feelings, But many fans speculate he does.


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See Also[]



GAY Tony
NON-BINARY AeoliaDoriaIoniaLydiaMixolydiaPhrygia