LGBT Characters Wikia

Rosalind Ursula is an asexual character from Arden.


Rosalind is Brenda Bentley's assistant and a member of the Arden crew, often working with the podcast's producer Pamela Pink. Very little is known about her early life other than she got a scholarship to go to college, but dropped out at 19. During the first season of Arden, Rosalind is an integral part of the California-based crew and when Brenda decides to quit the show, Rosalind takes it very hard.

Despite Brenda's absence, the crew eventually decide to go ahead with a second season and Rosalind tries to step in and do Brenda's job, but is unsuccessful, as she doesn't have the same chemistry with the other co-host, Bea Casely. At one point Bea decides she wants to cover the story of a young woman from Elsinore, Montana, Dana Hamill, who believes her father was killed by her mother and uncle. Rosalind goes to Elsinore ahead of the rest of the crew to research the case and she immediately connects with Dana. As the crew - along with Brenda who decides to come back - investigate the murder it, turns out that Dana is not as reliable as they initially thought, she is both manipulative and mentally ill which makes her unstable. Rosalind spends the night with Dana and although they don't have sex - as Rosalind is asexual and not interested in any sexual activity - it is decided that she compromised the investigation. This causes Rosalind to be fired. After losing her job with Arden, she moves to New York City and enrolls in a culinary school, hoping to become a professional chef.


Rosalind is probably a middle-aged woman,


Rosalind is a very flexible person, able to adapt to almost any situation. She has a wide range of skills and abilities, from convincing people to do what her bosses require to doing backflips to being a licensed airplane pilot. She doesn't really have a long-term plan for her life, but that doesn't bother her as she is always willing to try new things and is sure she will survive anything that may happen.

She's been diagnosed with bipolar one. She is medicated and able to deal with her illness very well.


Rosalind is asexual. She doesn't discuss her sexuality often, but when it's relevant, she has no problem talking about it. She seems to be a sex-repulsed asexual, refusing to have sex with Dana despite having feelings for her. Her sexuality causes Rosalind some anxiety, as she is afraid she might end up alone because of it.


This section is about fan reaction to the characters sexuality/gender identity. NOT THE IN UNIVERSE REACTION. In universe reactions would belong under sexuality/gender.

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Dana Hamill[]

Rosalind meets Dana when she is sent to Elsinore to research Dana and her family for the Arden podcast. The two women connect immediately and Rosalind quickly gets emotionally attached to Dana, seeing her as a disturbed and suffering person. It is only after they spend a night together in Dana's trailer that Rosalind realizes how manipulative Dana can be. During that night, Dana wants to have sex with Rosalind, who refuses, explaining that she is asexual and not interested in any sexual activity. Dana tries to pressure Rosalind, which makes Rosalind realize that Dana is much more disturbed than anyone previously thought. This night costs Rosalind her job as she is fired for compromising the investigation. When she discusses these events later, it's obvious she had (and perhaps still has) feelings for Dana, but is scared of her manipulative nature - she is convinced that Dana didn't really have any feelings for her, but was just using her to get over her ex-spouse Olivia Breckenridge - and hurt by her attempts to pressure her into having sex.


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See Also[]

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LESBIAN Brenda BentleyLorena ChristopherVanessa DukeTeresa Hollandaise
BI Olivia BreckenridgeBea CaselyDana HamillCharlie RussellAndy Wheyface
ACE Rosalind Ursula
TRANSGENDER Olivia Breckenridge