LGBT Characters Wikia

Erika Villavicencio is a transgender character from Beauty and the Bestie.


Erika runs a small photography studio. When her sister Edith leaves the family, she is forced to take care of her two nephews, Jimbo and Jumbo.

About a year after Edith's departure it turns out that Jimbo is seriously ill and may become completely blind as a result. Around the same time Erika is contacted by her former best friend, Emman Castillo, now a Super Elite Task Force special agent, who needs her help. Emman explains that a daughter of the prime minister of Uzeklovakia, Natalia Thalia Nutreila, was kidnapped just as she was scheduled to appear in a beauty pageant. As Uzeklovakia has nuclear weapons, and the prime minister is very protective of his daughter, he can't find out she's missing, so Erika is asked to pretend to be Natalia. She agrees on a condition that Emman's bosses pay Jimbo's medical bills. As the kidnappers want the Uzeklovakians to know that they have Natalia, they need to get rid of the impostor, so they try to kill Erika a number of times, but Emman always saves her. After the mission is successful, Erika joins the Super Elite Task Force as a special agent.


Erika is a Filipino woman. She dresses in typically feminine clothing, wears make-up and paints her nails. She wears a wig of middle-length brown hair.


Erika is a very expressive and loud person, whom people sometimes find to be too much. She likes physical contact and often hugs people without noticing it's making them uncomfortable.


Erika is into men, but as her exact gender identity is not specified, it's impossible to establish whether she identifies as a straight woman or something else. Emman calls her gay along with referring to her with the male name Erik, which she doesn't correct, but this seems to be caused by their complicated story that she doesn't want to go back to by explaining her identity to him.


This section is about fan reaction to the characters sexuality/gender identity. NOT THE IN UNIVERSE REACTION. In universe reactions would belong under sexuality/gender.

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Erika is transgender, although it's not clear where on the trans spectrum she is precisely, an issue that is further muddled by the Tagalog language having no distinction between male and female pronouns. Judging from flashbacks, she's been taking female hormones for a number of years. She dresses and behaves like a typical woman, her nephews call her "aunt" and her sister Abi calls her "sister". She allows Emman to call her "Erik", but it seems to be caused by their complicted history rather than anything else. When Emman's boss calls her "mister", she is very quick to correct him, similarly she refuses to talk to her sister Edith unless she stops addressing her as "bro" instead of "sis".


This section is about fan reaction to the characters sexuality/gender identity. NOT THE IN UNIVERSE REACTION. In universe reactions would belong under sexuality/gender.

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Emman Castillo[]

Erika has fancied Emman since they were quite young. She flirted with him, but Emman was oblivious to her feelings and considered them to be mates. When they meet years later, there is a lot of tension between them and Emman is visibly uncomfortable by Erika's identity. She refuses to call her by her female name, refering to her as "Erik" and calling her gay constantly. During their mission they eventually find themselves in a helicopter that is about to crush and in this perilous moment they make up, with Erika telling Emman that she still loves him and Emman accepting her for who she is. After this event, he calls her by her female name and they remain good friends.


See Also[]

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